The king is coming to claim his throne

Contract Renounced | Tax-Free | Total Supply: 500M | Crowdfunded Launch | All Tokens in Circulation

Gold Crown Winner Luxury Success 3D Game Icon
Black blur

Fueled by the mighty $KING!

Fueled by the mighty $KING!

Simple Doodle Crown Symbol



My loyal subjects, behold! 500,000,000 tokens now roam freely in our realm.


The LP has been vanquished, its ashes fueling our rise to greatness!"


10% of the tokens have been reserved exclusively for the Solana community, bowing to the king's benevolence

Neon Typeform Emotes King

My subjects, hear me! No taxes, no minting. Our power knows no bounds, victory shall be ours!

Vector Image

Long before my arrival, the realm was infested with mere cat and dog tokens. Fear not, for KingStarKing emerges, destined to annihilate them all, ushering in a new era of dominance and prosperity.

King text graffiti spray paint
Telegram Sticker Icon
Neon Typeform Emotes King
Cross Mark Illustration

Hear me, my loyal subjects! Though our current market value may seem modest, I decree that we shall ascend to greatness, reaching a million and beyond. Brace yourselves, for our triumph shall soon echo through the ages, inspiring hope and prosperity for all!